Work with executives

I help soon-to-retire nonprofit CEOs navigate leadership succession and prepare themselves and their organizations to flourish in life’s next chapter.

Deciding to leave the CEO position and move into life’s next chapter could be the most epic decision of your life. That decision initiates a long process of wrapping up your job and career. This can be emotionally and politically challenging. Plus, it introduces two new jobs that you may not have seen coming: to prepare yourself and your organization to flourish in life’s next chapter.

Then there’s your board. They face one of the most unique and complicated jobs of governance, requiring skill sets that fall way outside their usual role. Executive succession is challenging – even the best boards are ill-equipped to manage the transition successfully without substantial preparation.

And, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions about what your role should be during the succession process – how much the board should involve you or not.

Compounding the problem, you might be a hard act to follow — a founder, a long-term executive, or a transformational leader. Your successor will likely struggle without serious planning.

So, you might be one of the two-thirds of executives who worry that their board won’t do a good job in choosing their successor. You may fear that the years you spent building your organization will be for naught, or that it will be devalued.

You need a game plan – a roadmap – an exit strategy.

How can I help you?

For the past 25 years, my career has revolved around guiding executives and boards through CEO succession and building the capacity of their organizations. As a consultant on over 150 CEO succession and transition projects. As a facilitator of workshops and retreats attended by hundreds of executives. And, as the author of some of the most widely-read guides on the topic.

Why not put that experience to work for you?

I know my stuff, but I don’t do cookie-cutter. I recognize that every organization, executive, board, and transition situation is unique. I have the experience to help you create a plan that works for you.

Here are some of the questions I can help you navigate…

  • Am I ready to leave? How can I be sure? What do I want to do next?
  • How should I prepare for the transition? How do I prepare myself and my organization?
  • When and how should I announce my departure? Who should I talk to first?
  • What should my role be during the transition? Afterward?
  • How should we handle potential internal successors?
  • How can I ensure that my board and staff will be ready to work with the new CEO?
  • Will I be happy in retirement? Is there life after leadership? What are my options?

Your peace of mind can begin with a phone call.

Sometimes a focused conversation is all that’s needed. An opportunity to talk over your plans with an expert. Get affirmation about where you’re on track. Discover the things you haven’t thought about but should. On the whole, get a clear eye on your situation and the road ahead.

For more information about how I can help you and your organization plan for CEO succession and ensure leadership continuity, please call (240) 813-4681, send me an email, or book a Zoom video meeting with me.