Book Summary: Proposals for a TL;DR world.

The One-Page Proposal: How To Get Your Business Pitch Onto One Persuasive Page

by Patrick G. Riley

Do you have an idea or initiative that you want to get out into the world? A one-page proposal can be a great way to develop and communicate the concept quickly and effectively to potential allies and supporters.

The One-Page Proposal can help ensure that your one-pager hits the mark. Written by longtime entrepreneur Patrick Riley, the book covers the structure of a successful one-page proposal and its development process. It also includes many examples.

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Book Summary: Use storytelling elements for compelling marketing.

Building a StoryBrand book cover

Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen

by Donald Miller

Most marketing messages are just noise. Our brains tune them out—they’re too complex, and there are too many.

The solution is crafting messages that are keyed to what the human brain loves, which are stories. In particular, stories that will help us survive and thrive. Over the eons, our brains have developed to look for stories. Stories cut through the clutter and get our attention.

That’s the premise of Building a StoryBrand. It shows you how to tap the power of story to cut through the noise.

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